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Women’s Temple

  • Sky Mother Temple 4205 Elk Drive HOOD RIVER United States (map)

The Great Balm of our Body is an Awake tool of Devotion. Being in the generosity of receiving & giving without mental hurdles or effort is our feminine superpower. Together in Temple, we do what women have done naturally before capitalism and patriarchy; Being with what arises from our seat of Divine Wisdom. Temple is ordinary devotion to presence. We slow down, sink in, support, touch, move, witness, and learn again how easily we can be in Service to our Divine Essence. In Women's Temple, there is a choice to receive non-sexual physical touch and support.

"In Temple, I am welcomed with ALL of me. I can roar and cry, shake and giggle. I can be sensual. I can be needy, tired and brave. Unmasked, affirmed, challenged, tickled, loved, no one is trying to fix or label me; my sisters know that the grief here one moment may very well be bliss the next." Chameli Ardagh

Natalya met Chameli in 2015 and found the brilliant wholeness of her fierce compassionate Feminine embrace. After 20 years of apprenticing within the ceremony space of Tibetan Buddhism, African Shamanism, Mayan, and Peruvian rites of passage, the work of Women's Temple is a deep homecoming. A space where the natural power of Women can be reflected and savored. As the founder of Sky Mother Temple, this is our heart-tending practice for women in our community.  

​No woman will be turned away for lack of funds; please contact me directly.
Temple Open @ 2:45
​RSVP & Wear comfortable clothes 

February 6

Free Joe Dispenza Meditation Group