Women’s Temple
"In Temple I am welcomed with ALL of me. I can roar and cry, shake and giggle. I can be sensual. I can be needy, tired and brave. Unmasked, affirmed, challenged, tickled, loved, no one is trying to fix me or label me; my sisters know that the grief that is here one moment may very well be bliss the next." Chameli Ardagh

Life Serving Boundaries: Practicing A Resourced “NO”& fulfilling “Yes”
The ability to stay relaxed, feel powerful, and be clear when we say "No" is a practice. We must have practices to gain the capacity to manage the charge of what a "NO" may bring up in our nervous system. All too often, we say "No" and either become agitated, collapsed, aggressive, vacant, or hardened. "No" becomes a threat response versus a relaxed, clear, & powerful way to offer clarity and intimacy for your needs. We will learn the scales of difficulty, which may create obstacles to remain relaxed and clear when we say "No". We will do a self-assessment of where you are with your "NO." Then, we will explore easy practices, building your neurological muscle for a resourced "No." Imagine the possibility you could say "No" and not feel guilty, wrong, bad, mean, aggressive, edgy, or hurtful! Saying “NO” can be what we are discovering we are saying “Yes” to.

Men’s Group: Led by Cassandra Estes
The intention for this group is a safe space to explore communication, intimacy and relationships, most importantly the relationship you have with yourself. This is an opportunity to openly share, deeply connect, learn transformational tools and embodiment practices. Feeling supported and witnessed in community is the medicine of connection. This circle is for heterosexual cisgender men.

Valentine Sonic Balm For Couples
Bring a friend, lover, family member, or your spouse for this nourishing journey through your senses. We will begin by releasing the stress of the week with simple breathing and movement. Then one person lays down to receive a guided foot or head touch guided by Natalya as she plays the singing bowls. Then we switch and the giver becomes the receiver for the next cycle. We finish where everyone lays down for a sound bath, poem, and deep relaxation and sumptuous Treats.

Deep Inquiry: an ongoing circle of connection
In Deep Inquiry Circle we connect with the deeper truths about yourself. Our stories and beliefs create a context for our lives. We will be helping each other to see our own context. In the inquiry, we listen for the heart of the content, reflecting what we hear are the needs, offering empathy, and normalizing the obstacle. We then break into smaller groups and find where we too, may have a kernel of our spark arise from another's share. The natural intelligence that arises from the individual into the collective gives us confidence again in the ability to create new opportunities and pathways for greater clarity.

Living the Question Tea Talk: Astrologer Carol Ferris asks what is nature up to in the Wood Snake Year, and how do we find our place in it?
Living the Question Tea Talk is an opportunity for brilliant local minds to offer a topic to the community so we can enter the path of listening and inquiry. We listen from an embodied state where you will be guided through simple breathing practices and easeful stretches, and enjoy a cup of tea while we hear from Astrologer Carol Ferris live into The Year of the Snake.

Free Joe Dispenza Meditation Group
Welcome to this once-a-month “reset” meditation group! Eliza Gregory has offered to hold the container for this free offering to help us all stay on track with our practice and share the love and collective impact of group focus. We will start on time with a brief introduction/connection and jump right into practice. She will provide one of Dr. Joe’s recorded meditations, with music designed to support and enhance the quality of that practice. Following our meditation, there will be a meaningful closure to the session, and off we go!

Women’s Temple
"In Temple, I am welcomed with ALL of me. I can roar and cry, shake and giggle. I can be sensual. I can be needy, tired, and brave. Unmasked, affirmed, challenged, tickled, loved, no one is trying to fix or label me; my sisters know that the grief here one moment may very well be bliss the next." Chameli Ardagh